Why eyewear mists up when wearing a mask – and how to stop it

Why eyewear mists up when wearing a mask – and how to stop it

If you’re now regularly wearing a mask on your face you’ll have noticed that your sunglasses, spectacles or medical goggles are prone to misting up. This is because the mask directs your breath upwards instead of in front of you, which is good for preventing disease transmission but a nuisance as it interferes with your vision.

Sports eyewear that’s close fitting is also prone to mist up and for that reason we sell a range of anti-fog wipes, solutions & sprays: probably the widest range of options available in the UK. This one shown was made for our sister company Evolution Eyewear Ltd by an Italian company and it’s the most effective anti-fog product we’ve tested. See all our anti-fog options in our accessories section.

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