Do yellow lenses help when driving at night?
1st November 2023
It’s a long-standing debate and certainly not everyone agrees that yellow lenses are helpful for driving at night and to our knowledge there has not been any ‘definitive’ research undertaken. Some ‘experts’ claim they offer no benefit and others say they are essential for driving at night. In daylight a yellow lens is high contrast; a light “lifting”, light enhancing lens that’s ideal in dull, cloudy, overcast conditions. But the benefits of using a yellow lens for night driving are less clear cut. Here’s our take on the pros and cons of using a yellow lens for night driving:
– a yellow lens is still a tint and as such will limit some light entering the lenses so they cannot possibly be as good as a clear lens in dark, nighttime conditions with no ambient light
– as yellow is a very high contrast colour it will “sharpen” the field of vision – good if your eyes are tired
– if you are driving at dusk or twilight they will help
– they can help counter the dazzle caused by oncoming headlights especially the current generation of ultra bright headlamps used by car manufacturers
– on pitch dark, unlit roads a yellow lens will not help and is not advisable