We’re at The Big One this weekend

We’re at The Big One this weekend

We will be at 'The Big One' fishing show at Farnborough, Hampshire this weekend (22/23 March), stand number 130. The Big One has established itself as a 'must visit' event for fishing enthusiasts and you can be certain to pick up a bargain or two. We're using the Show as the official UK launch of the superb H30 range of polarised interchangeable sets. In addition we'll have a big range of polarised sunglasses on the stand including some half price offers! So if you are going to the show do come and see us!  

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More new arrivals!

More new arrivals!

We mentioned in our last blog that new stock is coming from our suppliers almost by the day - we're tripping over boxes here! The latest being some fantastic new models from H1N1. Super stylish as you'd expect from an...
And another great new brand comes on board!

And another great new brand comes on board!

We have just added another great European range of sports & leisure style sunglasses: the Montana brand is owned by one of Italy's largest eyewear companies that operate throughout the world. All Montana models are designed by the company's own...
It’s Spring and that means new deliveries!

It’s Spring and that means new deliveries!

It's Spring and the time of year when we take in new deliveries from the many brands we sell. A good example being Eyelevel. We have just had a new delivery including many new 2015 models. A British company, they specialise...