Whats The Best Eyewear Colour For Winter Shooting?
5th January 2015
Whether you are a clay or game shooter in winter you'll know that typically you have to contend with dull, overcast weather and light that fades rapidly in late afternoon. And without doubt the best shooting glasses colour to deal with this poor light is yellow.
Mellow Yellow Shooting Glasses
If you have never tried on yellow lenses you'd be amazed at the difference they can make. They really are "light enhancing". Ideal for low / poor light conditions and shooting in woods; yellow adds exceptional contrast – everything will appear in sharper focus and when the light is fading they will "hold" the light.
Sunglasses For Sports feature a wide range of eyewear with yellow lenses in our shooting section of the website and numerous lens interchangeable models that come with a yellow lens.
A Wide Range Of Shooting Glasses
As mentioned above, we’re experts when it comes to shooting glasses, with a number of exclusives like the Evolution Chameleon model. Be sure to visit the shooting section to see some great eyewear at even better prices.